WOW!!! Can you believe it? Finally there's somebody in your neighborhood who can do ceremonies. I mean real ceremonies! We're not talking about opening up a goddamned book and reading something that has no meaning to anybody's life at this point. I mean how many times have you been to a funeral and heard "As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death?" I mean, COME ON! These aren't the kinds of things that are relevant in our lives anymore. We are connecting with each other in different ways: through the environment, through different sexualities, in ways that we are all finding different meanings in our lives. Wouldn't it be great if somebody could do the ceremonies that reflect this new way that we are now thinking?
Your Pastor and your Rabbi, they are great Spiritual Men (or women), they have devoted their lives to God. And that is something to be commended. But that doesn't mean that they are neccessarily relevant to YOUR life. OR that, say in the case of a funeral, they can FULLY express in a parting ceremony something that has real meaning.
I mean Real Meaning. I mean REAL MEANING!!
Many of the people that we know are SPIRITUAL in extraordinary ways and in profound and subtle ways. And this is reflected in their lives. The kind of things they do. The way they respect people. The way that they love animals, and the earth. The way they are connected to the cycles and the seasons. The way that they treat and are connected to all the people on the planet. This has little to do with some religious orthodoxy or dogma. And to have somebody who is a priest or representative of that orthodoxy to give a parting or a joining ceremony, does not respect the beautiful lives of these individuals
Have you ever been to a funeral where the officiating pastor or rabbi talked about the dead one's life in ways that were totally unfamiliar to the person who passed or to those who knew and loved them? You don't have to do that anymore. We now have Celebrants, people who have studied ways of dealing with these extraordinary lives, lives that should be respected. In contemporary lives, people are living many interesting and exciting life styles and they love and care for each other and they are also looking to express commitments to each other. Perhaps for you, "family" and "community" mean "Fair Family" at the Oregon Country Fair or the BDSM community. or Just because you love the moon and the stars does not mean that as a caring individual that your life passages should get some sort of short shrift. Fuck that. These are lives that are important lives. They are lives that have been examples to all of us as to how good lives can be, how people can respect each other and treat each other. How they can treat the planet. and the animals and the trees and everything else, they have been role models for us in how we can live together as people and with the planet.
Because these individuals have not chosen to be Christian or Jewish or Muslim or any other religion, does not mean that their lives should not have the celebration that they deserve. Shae Uisna can do that. What she does is, she discovers what about these lives are important and unique to the people who lived them. What that means is that a ceremony by Shae Uisna is not a ceremony where you will have a cartoon question mark over your head as you wonder "Who is this person?" It will be about a person that YOU knew, whose life you wish to remember, honor and celebrate. And that the stories and the laughter and tears are all the kinds of things that you recognize. Nobody is walking through the valley of the shadow of death in THESE ceremonies.
WOW!!! Can you believe it? Finally there's somebody in your neighborhood who can do ceremonies. I mean real ceremonies! We're not talking about opening up a book and reading something that has no meaning to someone's life. I mean how many times have you been to a we're connecting to each other in different ways through different sexualities in ways that we're finding different meanings in our lives. Wouldn't it be great if we could find someone who could celebrate the way we need to celebrate? Or that, say in the case of a funeral, that they can fully express for the parting something that has REAL meaning. I mean REAL meaning. Many of the people that we know are SPIRITUAL in extraordinary ways and in profound and subtle ways. And this is reflected in their lives, in the way they love animals, connected to the cycles and the seasons. This has little to do with some rligious orthodoxy or dogma. And to have somebody who is a priest or representative of that orthodoxy does not respect the beautiful life that these individuals have lived.
we could find someone who could celebrate the way we need to celebrate